Nazi Gold Hunters

This is a site where I will be posting my concept sketches. The scenario is that at the end of WW2, a bunch of Allied soldiers realise that they're about to be demobbed & sent back to the ruins of English cities they left behind. Rather than face this, they desert and chase around North Africa in search of Nazi Gold! Not hugely original, but it allows me to really look into designing the look of characters, with lots of sources to draw on...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Character 3

With this character, I wanted to create the impression of someone a little younger & tied to the rules. Character 1 has the atmos of being a career soldier - a scavenger of equipment (if there's good stuff better than your own, and it's free, then why not?) I looked up on the Corbis site for a whole load of images of 1940s characters, and found a bunch of Second World War RAF pilots. Their 'fly-boy' hairstyles seemed rather good for this character - he's a junior officer who's making a bit of a statement, but at the same time doesn't want to stray too much from what he's learnt at Sandhurst.
I felt that a straight-on photo like this one would show a definite 'establishment' look...
Whilst the groovy hair and young looks of the character would give the feeling that he wants to look something special, and is looking to his comrades to grow up a bit, and be a little more mercenary.
He's from a silver-spoon kinda background, and wants to be a bit dangerous. But is still a little lost in his new surroundings.
But not this lost & young, however! This is my first attempt in a slightly more cartoony style, and he looks like SUCH a junior officer that he still sucks his thumb. More work needed, I think!

As a little background: he's the youngster of the group: a little lost, and only recently commissioned as a 2Lt. Makes a bit of a show of being brave, even though he's as scared as hell. Plucky, adventurous, eager to impress and eager to get stuck in. Hero-worships the group's leader, somewhat. If I was incorporating the characters into a book/film etc, possibly most of the story would be seen from this chap's perspective, as he (like the reader/viewer) is the new one to the team, and needs to get to know the rest of them pretty fast!


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