Nazi Gold Hunters

This is a site where I will be posting my concept sketches. The scenario is that at the end of WW2, a bunch of Allied soldiers realise that they're about to be demobbed & sent back to the ruins of English cities they left behind. Rather than face this, they desert and chase around North Africa in search of Nazi Gold! Not hugely original, but it allows me to really look into designing the look of characters, with lots of sources to draw on...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Character 5

I saw this photo of an archaeologist, and was caught between the ideas of "what a ponce", and "what a wicked look he has there". I couldn't leave him there digging in the sands, so thought he should join the group. But I wanted to harden him up a little (just a little), and make a soldier of him.First thing that had to go was the pith helmet, because at such a rakish angle, it really does take the pith (hardy har har). Then I found this aviator, also with his hat at a jaunty angle, and decided to combine them.Here's the result!I carried on trawling through old photos, until I came across this one. I decided to maybe give the character a pipe (which is how I found this picture), but what struck me most was this guy's privately purchased shoulder-holster. I thought it would go well with the character's double-collars. I also decided to beardify him, not just because of the whole deserty thing, but because beards and pipes just seem like a good combination.Here's how he would have looked before deserting. A young Captain, with an interest in history and archaeology. A pipe smoker. He's a bit dapper, and rather well-off, but not precious about it. He enjoys his luxuries, but thinks it's jolly spiffing to be out in the desert all the same don't you think old chap? He reads a lot, and writes a bit too. Very friendly, and very very English. A bit of a dreamer really, reminiscing about cricket on the village green, strawberries at Wimbledon, and quieter, more civillised times. A dab-hand with a rifle, however. Bayonets fixed and all that.
He'd probably have his own privately-purchased rifle though... It's somewhere amongst his little collection of artifacts and books and watercolours that he refuses to jettison


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