Character 5
I saw this photo of an archaeologist, and was caught between the ideas of "what a ponce", and "what a wicked look he has there". I couldn't leave him there digging in the sands, so thought he should join the group. But I wanted to harden him up a little (just a little), and make a soldier of him.
First thing that had to go was the pith helmet, because at such a rakish angle, it really does take the pith (hardy har har). Then I found this aviator, also with his hat at a jaunty angle, and decided to combine them.
Here's the result!
I carried on trawling through old photos, until I came across this one. I decided to maybe give the character a pipe (which is how I found this picture), but what struck me most was this guy's privately purchased shoulder-holster.
I thought it would go well with the character's double-collars. I also decided to beardify him, not just because of the whole deserty thing, but because beards and pipes just seem like a good combination.
Here's how he would have looked before deserting. A young Captain, with an interest in history and archaeology. A pipe smoker. He's a bit dapper, and rather well-off, but not precious about it. He enjoys his luxuries, but thinks it's jolly spiffing to be out in the desert all the same don't you think old chap? He reads a lot, and writes a bit too. Very friendly, and very very English. A bit of a dreamer really, reminiscing about cricket on the village green, strawberries at Wimbledon, and quieter, more civillised times. A dab-hand with a rifle, however. Bayonets fixed and all that.
He'd probably have his own privately-purchased rifle though... It's somewhere amongst his little collection of artifacts and books and watercolours that he refuses to jettison

He'd probably have his own privately-purchased rifle though... It's somewhere amongst his little collection of artifacts and books and watercolours that he refuses to jettison

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