Nazi Gold Hunters

This is a site where I will be posting my concept sketches. The scenario is that at the end of WW2, a bunch of Allied soldiers realise that they're about to be demobbed & sent back to the ruins of English cities they left behind. Rather than face this, they desert and chase around North Africa in search of Nazi Gold! Not hugely original, but it allows me to really look into designing the look of characters, with lots of sources to draw on...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Character 8

I'm pleased that I got the look of this character straight away. Basically, he's a mixture of a young Fidel Castro, and other sources - ammo bandolier, and US web pouches, and a British Army woolen jumper.

I need to sort his eyes out a bit though. I wanted them to gently arc towards the centre of his face, rather than lying flat, but this presents problems when he's looking to the side!I also need to practice drawing his hat from straight-on.

This character is another Captain. He's a bit of an idealist. He gets quite upset by the poverty of the locals - not the conditions that they're used to living in, but the extra effects brought about by the years of fighting in the area. He spends a fair amount of his ill-gotten gains on the poorer locals, but never gets preachy about it. When the group's not on the move, he often goes off on his own exploration of the desert, or to visit the locals. He loves where he is & what he's doing. Thinks that maybe when he's got the loot he wants, he'll settle down in North Africa.


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